Happily Ever Aging
A wise woman I know once said about getting older . . .
“Birthdays don’t bother me. It sure beats the alternative!” So true. I’ve never really minded getting older - it’s the wrinkles and age spots I can do without! No matter how hard we try, we can’t stop time. So it comes down to accepting - and dare I say - embracing all that life has to offer as we age. That’s what this blog is all about and why I decided to create it.
Happily Ever Aging.
We are ever aging. That’s a fact. And we have a choice. We can age with bitterness or we can age with joy. I choose joy. Happily. You will find posts on this website that speak about health - health of our bodies, minds, and souls, health of our relationships and our place in this world. We’ll talk about hobbies and ways to enrich our lives by doing things that give our days meaning. And we’ll look at the funny side of life.
Thank you for joining me on this journey to explore all the good there is in getting older. We might even find some ways to look at the wrinkles with new appreciation!
About me.
I’m married to an amazing man and lucky enough to have one incredible daughter. I love to learn and grow. And I’m always up for a challenge - like learning to ski at 28, learning design and video editing software in my forties, starting a master’s program in my late fifties, and creating this blog in my early sixties. I’m excited about the future. There’s so much life out there just waiting to be explored. Join me as we explore together!