Finding Humor
The Egg Heist
Rounding the aisle in the grocery store on my way to the dairy section, I was surprised to find 10 cartons of eggs on nearly empty shelves and a sign limiting the purchase to two cartons. Having no idea . . .
Finding the Funny
When you’re feeling down, and the days are cold, gray, and endless, how do you get through? They say laughter is the best medicine, and for me, humor is my go-to.
The Fantasies Women Actually Have
One day while driving in the car, I listened to an interview with an author, actress Gillian Anderson, who was talking about her new book, Want, which is a compilation of women's anonymous, sexual fantasies from all over the world. As I listened, I couldn’t help but think that . . .
Downsizing, Upsizing, or Rightsizing?
For many, the idea of downsizing once children have grown up and moved out seems like a natural step. After years of maintaining a larger home, downsizing often comes with the promise of financial freedom, less upkeep, and the ability to enjoy a simpler lifestyle. But wait, maybe you just want a home that meets the needs of your new lifestyle. . .
Waiting Room Banter
I wasn’t looking forward to going, but I knew it had to be done. What woman jumps for joy at the prospect of having to get a . . .
Ice Breaker Anyone?
I’m not ready to retire. I like working and really enjoy my job. But if there is one thing about working that I’m ready to let go of, it’s the dreaded team-building exercises. If you’ve ever worked in an office setting, you’re familiar with these special days of torture. It is . . .
Time on Your Hands
One day as I was putting on hand cream, I saw them. Small round patches of brown - like a freckle. I remember a colleague once saying that hands are a telltale sign of aging - even more so than the face. Age spots. So now . . .
When I Had a Landline. . .
I almost panicked. My cell phone with its case containing my license and a credit card couldn’t be found. I just had it, I thought to myself. Really nervous, I said to my husband. . .
Travel Mementos
Souvenirs. Remembrances. Trinkets. Keepsakes.
Most people want to pick something up to remember their travels. Collecting something unique is . . .
Pets Yes; But Pet Peeves?
I was in a car with a friend recently, who when driving remarked, “It drives me nuts when people don’t use their blinker before turning. It’s kind of a pet peeve.” But as she said the words, pet peeve, I wondered where the phrase came from and . . .
Funeral Planning
If the AARP solicitation made me feel old, can you imagine what getting the funeral home planning mail made me feel? Yet, when you think about it . . .
Halloween - A Full Circle Moment
In those earlier years of handing out candy, we couldn’t run the risk of our house being egged, so we left the candy in a bowl on the step with a note to take just one. We would arrive back at the house to find . . .
Picking out Produce is a Lot Like Dating
I thought he was trying to pick me up in the produce section of my local grocery store when he asked, “Do you know how to pick out the best peppers?” Turns out he was . . .
The Last Laugh
There’s something to be said for the trendy open floor workplace model over individual offices - and it isn’t collaboration, as touted by company executives just looking to pack in more people in a smaller space.
No, it’s something better . . .
Garanimals for Adults
Garanimals for adults - a "color by numbers" approach that can work for adults, not just toddlers.
At the Car Wash Yeah!
At the Car Wash Yeah! I wasn’t exactly singing that tune the day I was in the middle of a car wash when everything stopped. And I mean stopped. No longer was . . .
Winning the Lottery to Pay for Groceries
The soaring cost of food is a real concern for many - so much so that I recently heard on the radio two different ads assisting consumers with ways to cope. If you participate in the …
Not By the Hair on My Chinny Chin Chin
I don’t know when it happened exactly or how, but one day, I looked in the mirror and saw a little old man. Chin Hairs. Where did they come from? And more importantly, how . . .
Workplace Blunders
I was getting ready in the dark so as not to disturb my husband. My boss was picking me up at 6 a.m. so that we could arrive at the conference on time, a location quite a driving distance away. I had picked out my suit the night before . . .
Ten things that scream “I’m old” that have nothing to do with wrinkles
There's no denying your real age under certain circumstances - even if you look in the mirror and don’t see the wrinkles. Here are ten things that . . .