Optimizing Health

Marge Dwyer Marge Dwyer

The Luggage You Have is All You Need

Driving home from work, I had the radio on, half-listening to an interview—until one sentence caught my attention. The woman being interviewed said, “Stop spending your time picking out luggage and just go on the trip.” Her words really hit me. How often do we . . .

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Marge Dwyer Marge Dwyer


Learning of someone’s passing is difficult. Recently a good friend of the family passed away. She was in her early nineties, an age where most people remark, “Well, she had a good long life.” Hmm. Perhaps. Perhaps, she did have a long life, but that doesn’t make it any easier to say goodbye. Toni was . . .

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Marge Dwyer Marge Dwyer

The Power of Generosity

As World Kindness Day approaches, I thought I’d take a look at generosity as in "Thank you for your generosity." These words are written on countless thank-you notes, expressing heartfelt appreciation. While we often think of generosity as the giving of money or material possessions, it extends far beyond that. Here are some ways to extend generosity without spending a dime.

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Marge Dwyer Marge Dwyer

Getting Older Isn’t For Sissies

How many times have you heard (or used the phrase) “Getting older isn’t for sissies!” I listened to a podcast with the title - “The #1 Cause of Chronic Pain & a Decreased Lifespan - Heal Pain Without Medication.” Intriguing, right? I thought so. Here's a bit about it.....

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Marge Dwyer Marge Dwyer

Living in the Dash

I recently read a poem about living in the dash by Linda Ellis. As I read the poem, I reflected on its message. The dash is important. Whether the length of time on either side of it is short or long . . .

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Marge Dwyer Marge Dwyer


I never had to worry about allergies before. I could eat anything. Nothing bothered me. Until a couple of years ago. I awoke one morning with eyes so swollen they were almost shut. It wasn’t . . .

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Marge Dwyer Marge Dwyer

Sleepless in Boston

Have you ever woken up at midnight and tossed and turned until 3:00 a.m.? Or does it take you forever to settle at night once your head has hit the pillow and you end up laying awake for a few hours before drifting off? It’s happening to . . .

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Marge Dwyer Marge Dwyer

Stress Management and Resiliency Training (SMART)

I was introduced to Anne Lynch by a friend of mine. She had taken an online class with Anne to manage her chronic pain, and she recognized that I could benefit from taking a class to combat stress and help with getting a better night’s sleep. Anne Lynch founded Know More Stress, a company . . .

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Marge Dwyer Marge Dwyer

No News is Good News?

Listening less to traditional news and finding positive stories to read has helped my outlook. There is such a thing as vicarious traumatization and it can happen when you witness traumatic events in the news. This article provides more positive news resources you might want to consider . . .

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Marge Dwyer Marge Dwyer

Dry January: A New Year’s Resolution

As the confetti settles and the New Year begins, it’s time for me to consider a New Year’s Resolution. It can be a great way to focus on self-improvement and personal goals. Many aim to lose weight, eat healthier, start an exercise regimen, or get more sleep. Some, like me this year, will embark on a journey called “Dry January.” Dry January is a . . .

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Marge Dwyer Marge Dwyer


Whether shown in a thank you note or an end-of-year reflection, being grateful has positive benefits. When we focus on the things we are grateful for, we focus on what we have rather than what we lack. And the more we . . .

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Marge Dwyer Marge Dwyer

Kindness Starts with Me

On a recent flight, it hit me. I’d heard it spoken many times, but this time, I actually listened. In an emergency, securely place your oxygen mask over your mouth and nose, and ensure your mask is fitted before helping anyone else. It starts with me . . .

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Marge Dwyer Marge Dwyer

Bucket Lists

Unlike Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson in the movie, Bucket List, my focus is not on checking things off before I die. My focus is on living. My bucket list helps me live with intention to enjoy the journey of all my days. And as it turns out, creating one helps with aging and mental health . . .

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Marge Dwyer Marge Dwyer

Discover the World of Podcasts

In a world full of headlines, sound bites, and 280 character posts, sometimes you want “the rest of the story.” You know, something in depth.

Welcome to the world of podcasts. . .

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Marge Dwyer Marge Dwyer

Lift Things Up and Put Them Down

As I watched my groceries being stuffed into bags in the supermarket check out line, it reminded me of an endless amount of clowns coming out of a small VW bug. Only in this case, it was the opposite - items being added as if the bag had no bottom. Just how many more things were going to be put in, and . . .

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Marge Dwyer Marge Dwyer

Take a Cold Shower

For a person who doesn’t like to jump into a pool unless it’s 80 degrees, the thought of taking a cold shower is less than inviting. So when my husband greeted me in the morning with, “We’ve got a problem with the hot water tank,” my heart sank.

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Marge Dwyer Marge Dwyer

It’s the Thought that Counts

Gift Giving. It’s a time when we consider another person’s interests, preferences, and needs to choose a thoughtful gift. It’s a form of showing . . .

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Marge Dwyer Marge Dwyer

Use It or Lose It

If you ask my husband, he’d tell you I’ve always been a master communicator - especially when it comes to listing out chores that need to be done around the house. But I wanted to make it official. A Master of Arts in Communication degree would be the ticket! I decided to . . .

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Marge Dwyer Marge Dwyer

There’s more to salad than just iceberg

I love salad and eat one pretty much every single day. However, eating the same classic salad with iceberg lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, onion, and green pepper needs a shake-up every once in a while. How about changing up the base - the greens themselves…

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