Not By the Hair on My Chinny Chin Chin
Who knew that reading that line, “Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin” in the Three Little Pigs would take on a different meaning as I got older. I don’t know when it happened exactly or how, but one day, I looked in the mirror and saw a little old man.
Chin Hairs. Where did they come from? And more importantly, how could I get rid of them?
Of course, I immediately went to Google, who knows all. Apparently, menopause triggers chin hair growth due to hormonal changes. Oftentimes, aging is a common cause. Great!
In a Cleveland Clinic health article, I read that women living with unwanted facial hair reported high levels of anxiety and depression and spent, on average, 104 minutes on facial hair removal and maintenance each week. Imagine - 104 minutes each week? That’s almost 2 hours! Think about it. That’s 8 hours a month. Eight hours a month!! What?
I mean, I understand why, but that’s a lot of time spent on facial hair removal, isn’t it? If you have hours a month to spend, here are some ways to get rid of those pesky little hairs.
Plucking - Great if you can see them. You’re going to need a 10X magnifying mirror.
Dermaplaning and shaving - Really? Just like a man? Women have enough to shave. We want to add in our faces too?
Waxing - Might as well throw in the face with the bikini wax. One-stop shop.
Epilation - I don’t know if there’s enough Tylenol in the house for that!
Laser - Sure, but good luck if you have light skin and light hair.
Electrolysis - Second mortgage, here we come.
Lamenting to a friend about the discovery of hair on my chin and how unattractive I’ll appear to my husband as we age, she responded, “Don’t worry. He’ll be getting older too. He won’t even see them.”
Aging at the same time sure has its benefits.