The Fantasies Women Actually Have

One day while driving in the car, I listened to an interview with an author, actress Gillian Anderson who was talking about her new book, Want, which is a compilation of women's anonymous, sexual fantasies from all over the world.

As I listened, I couldn’t help but think that there are plenty of women out there who have fantasies that have nothing to do with sex. In fact, if someone were to ask a bunch of women what their wildest fantasies were, I would guess that many would answer along the lines of:

  1. A continuously clean house that they didn’t clean themselves – Wouldn’t it be lovely to walk into a spotless, sparkling clean home every single day without having to lift a finger to keep it that way? With even the linen closet and junk drawer being organized and neat? And floors that you didn’t have to vacuum and wash. Think about how much time that would free up for more leisurely activities.

  2. Eating carbs and dessert without consequences – No more passing up the bread and butter at a restaurant. Always answering yes to the question, “Do you want dessert?” And then not having to feel guilty or having to spend an extra hour at the gym to burn it off. What a dream to have your metabolism revving at such a high rate that creme brulee after a pasta meal means nothing to your waistline.

  3. The perfect fitting jeans on the first try — No squeezing, no contorting your body like an Olympic gymnastics event just to get them over your thighs, and absolutely no lying on the bed to zip them up. Jeans that fit like a glove. They stretch where they need to, hug where they should, and best of all, you can sit down without a waistband gap. Oh, and they’re on sale. At least 50% off.

  4. The spa day that never ends – Soothing peaceful music and never-ending cucumber water at the ready. A massage whenever it's needed. That knot in your shoulder? Gone. Your lower back pain? Banished forever. You emerge as a stress-free goddess, and nobody is waiting for you at home asking, “What’s for dinner?”

  5. A stress-free, no-cost grocery store run – Imagine going to the grocery store and in every single aisle you go down, you’re the only one in it, and the price labels all say “free”. No more waiting for the person to move their carriage so you can grab a can of beans. No more sticker shock when you check out. Better yet, how about a house fully stocked with all the groceries you’ll ever want without having to go to the store yourself to get them. Now that’s the stuff dreams are made of.

  6. Wearing a bathing suit and you become miraculously thin – No more searching and trying on dozens beforehand because you look good in all of them. Imagine you’re on a beach—somewhere exotic, where the water is turquoise and the sand is soft and warm, and you emerge from the water looking like Halle Berry in the movie, Die Another Day. Men might fantasize about that for a different reason. For women, we just want to be her. No more cover ups or worse yet, declining to go to your neighbor’s fun pool party.

  7. A world in which everything is where it's supposed to be – Socks never go missing in the dryer. Your keys are exactly where you left them. Every lid has a matching container. The mystery of the remote control vanishing is solved because it never vanishes. Even the junk drawer is organized - or doesn’t exist at all.

  8. Roadways are free from trafficYou can confidently leave your house without a single worry about how long it will take to get to where you need to be. You hop into your car, turn on your favorite radio station, and drive… uninterrupted. There’s no one in front of you doing 10 under the speed limit. No one behind you flashing their lights for you to move faster. You hit every single green light. Every. Single. One. The roads are smooth, the air is fresh, and there isn’t a single construction zone in sight.

  9. An available pickleball court when you want to play – Imagine pulling up to the courts and not seeing the entire town of people standing around, pickleball paddles in hand. You show up and there in front of you is an empty court. No waiting. No hovering retirees saying, “We’ve got it next.” And that pickleball court reserving app where it’s harder to find an open court than scoring Taylor Swift tickets? A thing of the past. Plus, you go when you want. No more thinking you have to get there just as the sun is rising. 

For most of us, the fantasies that really get our hearts racing are a little less Fifty Shades. Sure, a book of women’s sexual fantasies might sound like a bestseller, but I think the real untapped market here is a collection of fantasies where the ultimate thrill is finding a pair of shoes that are both stylish and comfortable. 

I think it's safe to say that the everyday fantasies—the ones filled with peace, quiet, and a little bit of sanity—are what most of us dream about. 

After all, who needs a steamy romance when you can have a fully charged phone battery, a car that never needs gas, and appliances that never break? Now that would be a dream.


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