The Luggage You Have is All You Need

Driving home from work, I had the radio on, half-listening to an interview—until one sentence caught my attention. The woman being interviewed said, “Stop spending your time picking out luggage and just go on the trip.” Her words really hit me. How often do we get stuck in the planning, the overthinking, the what-ifs—when all that really matters is taking the leap?

Stop spending your time picking out the luggage. Just go on the trip.

We tell ourselves we’ll do it—whatever that “it” is. We’ll take that dream trip, switch careers or maybe retire, or finally lose those last 10 pounds. But first, we need the perfect plan. We need to research, prepare, and make sure everything is lined up just right. Before we know it, months or years have passed, and we’re still standing in the same spot. 

What prevents us from taking the leap? Why do we procrastinate?

Often, it’s fear—fear of failure, fear of the unknown, or even fear of success. We worry that if we start, we might not be good enough, or that we’ll make the wrong decision. So, instead of moving forward, we stay stuck in a cycle of planning and preparing, convincing ourselves that we’re being productive when really, we’re just avoiding action.

Take this blog, for example. Before I hit “publish” on the first article, I spent three years researching and overthinking. I needed to figure out how to create a website and think through the platform to use. I analyzed competing blogs about aging, and thought about topics and what it would be named. But deep down, I wasn’t just planning—I was stalling. I think I hesitated because of fear. Would anyone want to read the articles? Would they be of value?

Sometimes, staying in our comfort zone feels safer than stepping into the unknown. Other times, the fear of making a mistake can be so overwhelming that it keeps us from taking any action at all. 

In an article from the Harvard Business Review titled "3 Types of Overthinking – and How to Overcome Them," the author outlines three common forms of overthinking: rumination, future-tripping, and overanalyzing. Rumination has to do with dwelling on the past. Future tripping has to do with worrying about the future. And overanalyzing focuses on getting bogged down by the details - usually in an effort to find the perfect choice.

Planning has its place. But at some point, we just have to close the browser tabs, stop making pro/con lists, and simply go. The reality is, no trip—or life decision—will ever be 100% perfect. There will always be detours and unexpected bumps. 

Sometimes, you have to say yes to the opportunity. Take the leap. Book the trip.

Maybe the luggage you already have is all you need.

